Colour The World Orange Day ™ 2017
Colour The World Orange Day ™ is an annual event which is always held on the 1st Monday of November every year, to spread awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
This year is the 4th annual event of Colour The World Orange Day™ and it will be held on MONDAY 6 NOVEMBER 2017 all around the world! It is also known as #CRPSORANGEDAY™ It is held during November because November is seen as CRPS awareness month.
We need all the awareness we can get for this debilitating chronic neuropathic pain condition, so please unite as one family, whether you are a CRPS sufferer or carer, family member, loved one or friend, wear something ORANGE and post your picture together with the hashtag #CRPSORANGEDAY™ across social media. Let’s get #CRPSORANGEDAY™ trending across all of the social media channels!
There are a huge number of ways that you can get involved in Colour The World Orange Day™ such as contacting your local MP or Council and let them know about Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), also referred to as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) and how it affects you and your life. To learn more about CRPS visit any one of our pages within our website such as What is CRPS? or buy some of our CRPS leaflets to give to your Doctor’s surgery or local hospital (with their permission).
Why not visit our CRPS Awareness Month page to get some ideas on how to help raise awareness for CRPS?
For the last 2 years running, Manchester City Council kindly changed the colour of the Manchester Town Hall’s lights to ORANGE for 1 day during CRPS awareness month of November. They are going to be doing the same again this year – Thank You Manchester Town Hall! Here are some of the photographs taken from the last 2 years:
We are hoping to try and get more Councils and more Town Halls involved this year. If your local Council or local town has a building or structure that has lights at night shining on it please contact us and let us know, or contact them yourself. You could let them know who you are, what CRPS awareness month is all about and what you’d like them to do ie. change the colour of their outside lights to orange. Don’t forget to have a look through our website page that’s dedicated to CRPS awareness month.
For more information about the Colour The World Orange Day ™ please visit the organisers’ website, where you can find the 2016 Press Release, information on how to raise awareness, the Colour The World Orange Day ™ pamphlet and sign.
If you would like to do any fundraising activities or events during November; CRPS awareness month, or at any other time please contact us! There are some ideas for how to raise money on our Fundraising Ideas & Tips page. If you do any shopping online why not join our charity cause on EASY FUNDRAISING? It’s a FREE way of raising money every time you go shopping online via the Easy Fundraising website or app.
Let’s try and make the 4th year of Colour The World Orange Day™ not only a fantastic day but also the best year yet for raising awareness of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome! Don’t forget to post your pics in our comments section below and on social media, of you and your family, friends or neighbours wearing orange using the hashtag #CRPSORANGEDAY™ or #CRPS
Last Updated: 22/08/2017
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